Short Story
Alejandro is an aspiring toy designer from El Salvador struggling to bring his unusual ideas to life in NY. As time runs out on his work visa, a job assisting an erratic art-world outcast becomes his only hope to stay in the country.
Funding Goal-
Funds Raised -
Days to go -
Target Goal
Campaign End Method
Alejandro is an aspiring toy designer who’s struggling to bring his unusual ideas to life in New York City. As time on his work visa runs out, a job assisting an art world outcast becomes his only hope to stay in the country and realise his dream.
$100.00 - $199.00
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum in aliquam urna, ultrices lobortis lacus. Praesent mi enim, congue semper volutpat ut, bibendum tempor arcu.
February, 2019
$200.00 - $299.00
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum in aliquam urna, ultrices lobortis lacus. Praesent mi enim, congue semper volutpat ut, bibendum tempor arcu.
March, 2019
$300.00or more
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum in aliquam urna, ultrices lobortis lacus. Praesent mi enim, congue semper volutpat ut, bibendum tempor arcu.
March, 2019
New Project Launches in Bangalore
Corned beef leberkas fatback porchetta, strip steak salami turkey short loin flank ham hock landjaeger. Leberkas pork belly kevin shoulder filet mignon. Bacon spare ribs rump chuck turkey, ham hock capicola. Strip steak tongue kielbasa, boudin hamburger t-bone capicola turducken. Landjaeger meatloaf pork belly spare ribs chuck.
Our First Office Start
Corned beef leberkas fatback porchetta, strip steak salami turkey short loin flank ham hock landjaeger. Leberkas pork belly kevin shoulder filet mignon. Bacon spare ribs rump chuck turkey, ham hock capicola. Strip steak tongue kielbasa, boudin hamburger t-bone capicola turducken. Landjaeger meatloaf pork belly spare ribs chuck.
We Touch the Million Dollar Milestone
Corned beef leberkas fatback porchetta, strip steak salami turkey short loin flank ham hock landjaeger. Leberkas pork belly kevin shoulder filet mignon. Bacon spare ribs rump chuck turkey, ham hock capicola. Strip steak tongue kielbasa, boudin hamburger t-bone capicola turducken. Landjaeger meatloaf pork belly spare ribs chuck.
Our Employee Reach 100 Person
Corned beef leberkas fatback porchetta, strip steak salami turkey short loin flank ham hock landjaeger. Leberkas pork belly kevin shoulder filet mignon. Bacon spare ribs rump chuck turkey, ham hock capicola. Strip steak tongue kielbasa, boudin hamburger t-bone capicola turducken. Landjaeger meatloaf pork belly spare ribs chuck.
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